Morning Tea at the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation


The annual morning tea at the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation took place on Friday 7th June.

RCH Foundation CEO Ryan Brown welcomed everyone and presented ROTA with a copy of a new book documenting the fascinating history of the RCH. (This has been added to the ROTA library and is available for members to borrow.)


At the special panel acknowledging the story of the Rats of Tobruk and their association with the Cockatoo Ward: (from left) Stuart Tolliday, Dennis Garde, Karolina Sevcikova, Malcolm Wilson, Heather Collins, Brian Collins, Dr Jamie Leong, Glenda Garde, Gayle Sherwell, Margaret Wilson, Tony Codd

CH Foundation CEO Ryan Brown presents ROTA representative Stuart Tolliday with a copy of the new book recording in great detail the history of the Royal Children’s Hospital.


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